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Colon Health

Having A Healthy Intestional Tract

A healthy intestinal tract is a key to preventing attacks by various pathogens. Parasites can be fought with high doseages of such probiotic substances as Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, and bifidobacteria. Treatments need to last for several months, however. The health and number of organisms making up the normal flora of the bowel needs to be strong in order to compete against potential pathogens. Intestinal parasites and yeasts can ravage the intestinal flora, preventing the vital manufacture and absorption of nutrients, causing the whole body to breakdown in some fashion.

Do you know what Parasites look Like?

Click on this link to learn about common parasites that we encounter on a normal basis. This article featured on will show photos as well as give information on symptoms of infections and common treatment options. 

Know the Symptoms of a Parasitic Infection

Most people have had a parasitic infection at some point in their lifetime and could possibly be living with one now. Children on the Autism Spectrum are prone to these kinds of infections and may display symptoms that you are unaware of. This article goes in depth about different types of Parasitic Infections, symptoms, and what you can do to treat them as well as cleanse the body of harmful parasites.

Using Vitamin A to Fight Parasites

Vitamin A helps to fight parasites by strengthening the immune system. It helps to maintain strong and healthy membranes to prevent any harmful viruses and parasites from entering into the body. This is key when it comes to preventing and/or ridding the body of them if they have already entered and taken up residence.

Do Probiotics Kill Parasites?

Parasites are often undetectable to the naked eye, but they can wreak havoc within your body. Depending on the type of parasitic infection you contract, you can experience a variety of negative and potentially health-destroying symptoms. Your doctor will conduct tests once symptoms become apparent and will determine treatment based on the results. Probiotics are widely recognized tool for destroying harmful bacteria, and may be beneficial in treating parasites as well.

Do you know how Amoebas effect the human body as parasites?

At least six forms of amoeba are parasitic in humans. Most important of these is Entamoeba histolytica, which causes amebiasis and dysentery. The diseases often occur in epidemics when raw sewage contaminates water supplies or when soil is fertilized with untreated wastes.

Using Probiotics to Control Parasites

During the last decade, probiotics as means for the control of parasite infections were reported covering mainly intestinal diseases but also some nongut infections, that are all of human and veterinary importance

What Are the Treatments for Inestinal Parasites in Humans?

Intestinal parasites such as parasitic worms infect more than one-fourth of the world's population, according to the World Health Organization. These infections result in disease, disability and death. Although there are more than 20 different species of parasitic worms that infect humans, almost all of them can be treated with one of five common prescription drugs. Medications are also available for infections of parasites other than worms.

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